A sample square from the Clothesline Project quilt.
Opening Reception
Thursday, March 28th from 6 to 8 p.m.
The squares that constitute this quilt were part of the Clothesline Project on the Rutgers University – Newark campus. The colorful t-shirt material and denim squares represent sexual violence and intimate partner violence in various forms. This quilt is upheld, both literally and figuratively, by stiches of strength. Its stitching binds together the patches which represent the stories, experiences, and messages of trauma, grief, hope, and love. Just as fabric and thread uphold the quilt, it is the support and encouragement of our allies and fellow survivors that provide the strength to continue the fight against violence and to find paths to healing.
This project is funded through the Victims of Crime Act grant provided through the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office and made possible through the support of the Center on Violence Against Women and Children and the School of Social Work.We would also like to thank the RU-N Division of Student Affairs and the many offices, students and staff members who shared their experiences and support with us in the creation of this quilt.