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The words, "read, make, watch, listen," in a search bar against the background of ocean waves



“We stand at a historic crossroads: a social, racial, and economic reckoning laid bare by COVID-19 and a movement for Black lives. It is a moment that demands interpretation and action. Cultural narratives are central to shaping our realities, including how best to ensure justice and equity for all. So how do we grow and change our systems of arts and media—systems, like our larger society, that have never been equitable or sustainable? CREATIVE FUTURES is a reimagining of the fields of arts and culture, documentary film, and journalism, a set of concrete action plans to fuel and shape the transformative possibilities to come. In the words of abolitionist scholar Ruth Wilson Gilmore, “What the world will become already exists in fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities.” Here are some of those fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities.”


“This easy self art therapy activity for anxiety relief will help you release some stress or tension, and feel renewed and refreshed at the end.”


Film still: Tourmaline. Salacia, 2019. 6 min., 4 sec.
“We invite Brooklyn Museum visitors, neighbors, and passersby to an outdoor exhibition of major video artworks by artists in our collection, as well as key loans, exploring themes of power and uncertainty, distance and loss, and history’s hand in our present times. The artworks are presented in evening screenings on the Museum plaza—our “front stoop”—providing a safe place to gather, rest, and encounter art, while also acknowledging the critical role that public spaces play for idea-sharing, community-building, and democracy.”


“Photo Director Gem Fletcher hosts The Messy Truth, a podcast dedicated to the world of contemporary photography featuring exclusive interviews with emerging and leading artists, curators and critics. Listen in to these candid conversations that unpack photography and why it connects us all in such transformational ways. Follow Gem’s Instagram @gemfletcher for images of photographs discussed in each episode.”

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