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DIY Wind Chime

Plastic cup hanging from a ledge with colorful beads and string in resemblance of a wind chime.

PRG’s Gallery Intern Noemi Mangual-Rosa (RU-Newark BFA Fine and Studio Arts ’20) provides four steps to creating a wind chime. This fun activity is inspired by the beadwork sculptures created by artist Noelle Lorraine Williams. Williams currently has artwork on display in our exhibition Why We Do What We Do. Great for both children and adults to explore, this activity can be done using simple or sophisticated materials.

                                Beadwork Sculpture by Noelle Lorraine Williams.

Plastic cup
String or plastic lacing (5 x 6″ strands)
Variety of beads – pony beads work best but be creative if you don’t have pony beads on hand. Consider small objects that may make an interesting sound when the wind interacts with the chime!

Step 1: Use a pointy object (such as the end of a pair of scissors or even a pen) to poke a small hole in the bottom of the cup and four evenly spaced holes about 1cm down from the edge of the cup. If you're doing this with a child and think they're really going to enjoy this activity and have an excellent attention span, you can always change it to 6 strands.

Step 2: Next, slide one end of each string through the four holes around the edge and knot them. Place the end through the hole, loop it around and tie it onto the rest of the string to ensure it doesn't fall through the hole. Once each strand is complete, tie a knot in the ends. For extra security while it’s blowing in the wind, tie a knot, add a pony bead which is included in your next knot and then make one more knot below the bead knot.

Step 3: Once you have completed the strands of beads, make a loop with the remaining string and push the two ends inside the cup from the hole you made in the bottom. Slide a pony bead over the two ends and tie a knot.

step 4: Decide on where you'd like to hang your wind chime and enjoy. If you prefer a quieter chime, pony beads are ideal. Small bells are also another option.

Plastic cup hanging from a ledge with colorful beads and string in resemblance of a wind chime.

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